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Dedicated Claims Page

What's new

We’re excited to introduce a new dedicated claims page, giving your employees a clear, easy-to-understand view of their medical claims—all in one place, their personalized health platform. Members can now track claims for themselves and their dependents, see cost breakdowns, and access real-time status updates. At Personify Health, we’re committed to simplifying the healthcare experience, and that’s exactly what our claims page will help with. It’s designed for simplicity, making it easier than ever to understand what’s covered and what they owe. No more finding their way through multiple portals or struggling with complex explanations. 

Why it matters

It’s no secret employees often feel overwhelmed by medical claims, leading to unnecessary stress and disengagement with their benefits. A seamless claims experience empowers them to make informed healthcare decisions, improving both financial wellbeing and health outcomes. For HR teams, this means fewer claims-related inquiries and stronger benefits engagement. Ultimately, a better claims experience supports a healthier, more satisfied workforce—benefiting both your employees and your organization. In short, it amounts to less tracking down, less decoding cryptic claims, more focusing on what matters, so you can too.  

Key Benefits

This enhancement reduces employee confusion and frustration by providing more transparency into healthcare costs and coverage in intuitive fashion. It helps employees catch billing errors, avoid overpayments, and plan for out-of-pocket expenses more effectively. By making claims easier to track, employees are more likely to choose cost-effective, in-network care and engage with preventive services. Fewer claims-related questions mean less administrative burden on HR teams. Even better, greater clarity builds trust in your benefits program. 

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Where to find us

Conference Board West

March 18-20
San Diego, CA

Health Evolution Summit

April 3-5
Laguna Beach, CA

Thrive Summit

April 9-11
Atlanta, GA

Conference Board East

April 15-17
New York City, NY

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