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Control Counts removal from Audience Counts

What's new?

Control Group counts are being removed from Audience counts in order to provide clients the exact information about the amount of contacts they will be contacting after audience creation. The audience count will now include only contactable members, and Control Group counts will be shown in a separate tooltip when included.

Why it matters?

This increases count accuracy when planning campaign execution. When the Control Group option is enabled in Settings, it is necessary to make a separation in the Audience counts on the UI to provide customers the exact number of contactable individuals, and those staying a part of Control Group who won’t be contacted.

Key Benefits

Improves customer satisfaction by providing additional information about the Control Group. We will be offering a more precise count for every audience, by removing control group count from audience count and adding control group counts to a separate tooltip, as well as by improving on the cost estimation side.
April 11th
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