New Content
- April On-Demand Webinar (Premium Content)
- Save More, Spend Less - releasing 3/25/24
- Refreshed Content
- Web Login Redesign & Enhancements
- Improving overall sign in and reset password flow
Introducing a new Welcome Screen with refreshed look
Added Disclaimer message: Disclaimer message meets legal warning requirement for client audits
Consistent use of branding/theming across all screens
Reporting Dashboards
Enhancement to Partners Summary Table: 'Partner Comparison' information window is the addition to the Partners reporting dashboard that shows below comparison data across different partner
Eligibility Count - KPI
Engagement (last 365 days)
Engagement % (last 365 days)
Engagement (last 30 days)
Engagement % (last 30 days)
NEW Navigate Dashboard
Navigate is a new reporting dashboard that aims to support Navigate product, a high-priority solution in the market, with its own dedicated dashboard
Insight into usage and efficacy of the Navigate solution
The dashboard is divided into multiple sections, each with data specific to the Navigate solution:
Benefits Navigate
Find Care
Medical Plans
Sponsors must has Navigate configured for access
Campaign Studio
Map Layering is an additional map functionality that will allow clients to view their audiences in relation to their facilities, clinics and competitors, in order to better understand where their consumers are located.
Clients need to have the ability to upload their facilities to a map and inspect their audience upon it.
Control Counts removal from Audience counts in Presence of Contact Information.
Instead of control group being included in audience counts, we are removing them and presenting it in a separate tooltip format which will open on hover. This way, users will see a message that the counts in the tooltip contain control group.
Moving Channel Limits to Criteria tab
Channel limits should not be part of Settings tab, as they should be configurable on Criteria page.
My Care Checklist
MCC Groupings Rewards: For MCC rewarding for a grouping, DO NOT count exams expiring in current program year for compliance rewards.
In MCC there is an issue when Rewards are setup in a grouping (ie. "complete any 3 activiities"). Currently, at renewal and with compliance Rewards ON, we are counting exams that expire in current program year. We are updating our logic to NOT include exams that will expire in the program year.
MCC maintains a count of exams that meet the criteria. At renewal the current count is sent to Rewards Engine and we don't check for expiring exams. With the update, we will adjust the count if exams expire in the program year.
Health Benefits for Fortune 500, Global, and Mid-Sized Organizations
Learn why we are a good match for you and your people
Why Virgin Pulse and HealthComp Make a Good Match for Your Organization
Engaging Hard-to-Reach Populations
Driving Critical Behavior Change for Obesity, Hypertension, and Diabetes
Request a demo or more info
Where to find us
Conference Board West
March 18-20
San Diego, CA
Health Evolution Summit
April 3-5
Laguna Beach, CA
Thrive Summit
April 9-11
Atlanta, GA
Conference Board East
April 15-17
New York City, NY
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